Baker Consulting


Here are some links to gabrielle’s writing

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transforming the health and disability system

The creation of a Māori health authority is good news - but the devil is in the details. Read about our initial impressions in an April 2021 article in the Guardian.

Archive: writing on what is needed for a pro-equity, anti-racist health and disability system (2018)

Read a series of articles by Gabrielle in the Spinoff on what the Government can do to ensure the health and disability system works for Māori.

waitangi tribunal inquiry into health services and outcomes

Here is Gabrielle’s latest piece on stage one of the inquiry — which looked specifically at primary health care for Māori.

Getting the fundamentals right

A recent article by Gabrielle on Census 2018 and its implications for Māori

Mental health inquiry

A short interview on the Government’s recent mental health inquiry.